Prestige Wellness Co-Parenting and Consulting
My Approach
I believe therapy is a seasonal journey and life is constantly changing, just like the seasons and it is important we need not to stay stagnant in whatever issues we face. It is my job to help you reach your full potential for emotional growth and I strive to guide individuals through those challenges life often throws at us.
Each type of therapy whether it be individual, family, children, couples, and co-parenting, are all treated independently.
I provide a solution focused approach that helps clients get unstuck in a productive way.
You have the freedom to choose who you prefer to share your life's challenges with and I understand finding a good fit is sometimes the hardest part, so please feel free to call or email me for a free 20 min consult and determine if I am the therapist for you and/or your family.
I have my Bachelors degree in psychology from Rhode Island College, Masters degree from Providence College in Educational Counseling, Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies(C.A.G.S.) from Rhode Island College and a license in the State of Rhode Island to practice mental health LMHC.
With 18 years of experience under my belt and while practicing in-person throughout the recent pandemic, it is important my clients understand how dedicated I am and how strongly I feel mental health is to their lifelong journey. I am happy that I finally made the leap of faith and opened my own space to continue to do what I am passionate about and feel it is my life work!
I believe in supporting the client's journey and allowing them the opportunity to make their own decisions. My place is to help guide clients, provide them with the tools necessary to get to a place they feel comfortable. You have the FREEDOM in our session. I am solution focused clinician to help clients move forward in their lives and become unstuck productively.
In addition to having a flexible schedule, I also work with an herbalist (naturopath) as well as a psychiatrists when needed.
On a more personal note, my family and I live on a small farm and although we have many farm animals I have the cutest co-worker around, my small hypoallergenic dog Sparkles, who accompanies me in the office most days.
I am a wife, a mother to my 12 year old daughter and a step-mom to my husband's 15 year old daughter. Navigating a blended family has its moments but we all have our own unique roles to make our family system thrive so our children can be their most authentic selves.
I am accepting new clients.